Uses of Class
Packages that use CallGraph.Call
Uses of CallGraph.Call in qilin.core.builder.callgraph
Fields in qilin.core.builder.callgraph with type parameters of type CallGraph.CallModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected Map<MethodSignature,
Set<CallGraph.Call>> OnFlyCallGraph.calls
Methods in qilin.core.builder.callgraph that return types with arguments of type CallGraph.CallModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionOnFlyCallGraph.callsFrom
(MethodSignature sourceMethod) OnFlyCallGraph.callsTo
(MethodSignature targetMethod) Methods in qilin.core.builder.callgraph with parameters of type CallGraph.CallModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(CallGraph.Call call) boolean
(CallGraph.Call call) -
Uses of CallGraph.Call in sootup.callgraph
Fields in sootup.callgraph with type parameters of type CallGraph.CallModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected<ClassType,
CallGraph.Call> RapidTypeAnalysisAlgorithm.ignoredCalls
Methods in sootup.callgraph that return CallGraph.CallModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected CallGraph.Call
(MethodSignature source, MethodSignature target, InvokableStmt invokableStmt) it returns the edge of the graph that is described by the given source, target, stmt in the call graph.Methods in sootup.callgraph that return types with arguments of type CallGraph.CallModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCallGraph.callsFrom
(MethodSignature sourceMethod) This method returns all method signatures that are called by a given method signature.GraphBasedCallGraph.callsFrom
(MethodSignature sourceMethod) CallGraph.callsTo
(MethodSignature targetMethod) This method returns all method signatures that call a given method signature.GraphBasedCallGraph.callsTo
(MethodSignature targetMethod) Methods in sootup.callgraph with parameters of type CallGraph.CallModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(CallGraph.Call call) void
(CallGraph.Call call) This method enables to add calls that are edges in the call graph.boolean
(CallGraph.Call call) This method checks if an edge is contained in the call graph.boolean
(CallGraph.Call call) protected String
(CallGraph.Call call) This returns the string that is used in the toString Method to define the called methodsprotected String
(CallGraph.Call call) This returns the string that is used in the toString Method to define the methods that call a specific methodprotected String
(CallGraph.Call call) exports a call of the call graph to an edge in a dot fileConstructor parameters in sootup.callgraph with type arguments of type CallGraph.CallModifierConstructorDescriptionprotected
(org.jgrapht.graph.DirectedPseudograph<GraphBasedCallGraph.Vertex, CallGraph.Call> graph, Map<MethodSignature, GraphBasedCallGraph.Vertex> signatureToVertex, List<MethodSignature> entryMethods)