Uses of Class
Packages that use MutableBasicBlockImpl
Uses of MutableBasicBlockImpl in sootup.core.graph
Methods in sootup.core.graph that return MutableBasicBlockImplModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionMutableBasicBlock.splitBlockLinked
(int splitIdx) MutableBasicBlockImpl.splitBlockLinked
(int splitIdx) MutableBasicBlockImpl.splitBlockLinked
(Stmt splitStmt, boolean shouldBeNewHead) splits a BasicBlock into first|second we know splitStmt must be a FallsThroughStmtMutableBasicBlock.splitBlockUnlinked
(int splitIdx) MutableBasicBlockImpl.splitBlockUnlinked
(int splitIdx) MutableBasicBlockImpl.splitBlockUnlinked
(Stmt newTail, Stmt newHead) splits a single MutableBasicBlock into two at splitIndex position, so that the Stmt at the splitIdx is the Head of the second MutableBasicBlock.