Interface ClassValidator

All Known Implementing Classes:
ClassModifiersValidator, FieldModifiersValidator, MethodDeclarationValidator, OuterClassValidator

public interface ClassValidator
Implement this interface if you want to provide your own class validator
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Basic validators run essential checks and are run always if validate is called.
    If this method returns false and the caller of the validator respects this property,
    the checks will only be run if the debug or validation option is activated.
    Validates the given class and saves all validation errors in the given list.
  • Method Details

    • validate

      void validate(SootClass sc, List<ValidationException> exceptions)
      Validates the given class and saves all validation errors in the given list.
      sc - the class to check
    • isBasicValidator

      boolean isBasicValidator()
      Basic validators run essential checks and are run always if validate is called.
      If this method returns false and the caller of the validator respects this property,
      the checks will only be run if the debug or validation option is activated.
      whether this validator is a basic validator